Rules & Conduct

Although we are an 18+ server, we still need a few basic rules. Even though we’ll refrain from rules of conduct within the community or towards the team at this point as we consider them to be self-evident and sufficiently defined by good behavior.

  1. Griefing, willfull destruction and other attacks on the projects of other players are forbidden and lead to an irrevocable ban.
  2. It is not desirable to ask the team for special rights, e.g., private warps. Exceptions are possible, but will be offered by the team.
  3. Offensive or insulting skins, but also those that cannot be reconciled with the German legal system, are not permitted, and will result in a ban.
  4. Block Empirium attaches great importance to good architecture. Offensive buildings will be removed accordingly without comment.
  5. In the event of a longer absence that has not been registered with the team, we reserve the right to remove unfinished or insufficient buildings and projects.
  6. Should we retrospectively conclude that an admitted player does not fit into our community or does not fulfil our standards, we reserve the right to terminate the membership.

General information:

  • Block Empirium puts a special focus on a core element of Minecraft: building. We thus encourage our players to rely on the overall look and feel represented on the server, both in terms of the architecture itself, but also in terms of the style and size.
  • An important part of our community is the common pursuit to push the boundaries of creative building art in Minecraft. We thus understand it as to not gate keep but pass on skills and technics to others further back in the progress, if they ask for or seek help and, at the same time, respond to the advice of their fellow players.
  • We value strong opinions on style and form in our works and encourage continuous exchange. However, we do also value the phrasing of criticism in an appropriate and not derogatory manner.

Furthering these rules are the contents of the articles in our knowledge base. Key requirements to getting access to our server are defined in the Block EMP standard.